
неделя, 22 април 2012 г.

Drugstore haul

Today I went to DM and I got some stuff I needed. I got a parfum, present for my mother, deo creme, nail polish, eye pen, dry shampoо and mascara.

this is how the pen and the mascara look on me, I really love this combination

Some cute outfits

Here I will put pictures of some outfits I would wear this Spring/ Summer. Hope you like it. 

A trip to Svishtov with 3 friends

Hi everybody,
yesterday I went to Svishtov with 3 friends. I had an exam of Spanish there and I asked them to come with me. I woke up at 4:30 am, because the train left at 7:00 am. I made sandwiches and coffee. 

this is how the sandwich looked

A huge haul

Hi everybody,
a week ago I went shopping with my mom and a friend of mine. We normally go to Second hand shops and I have two reasons to do that. The first reason is that I am 46-48 size, so it is very hard, almost impossible for me to find clothes that fit me in the Mall. And tha second is that is very expensive in the mall, and the second hand clothes are really cheap and I can afford to buy a lot of things. I have one favourite second hand shop in Sofia, and it is called Zig Zag. So the policy of the shop is that every week after the charge they down the prices. We were there the day when the price was 2.99 lv per kilo or 1.5 euros. Here are photos of the things I got. Some of the clothes are new, and I got them from an Outlet. I really like this Spring/Summer tendencies of bright, neon colors, and I tried to follow them while I was searching for this stuff. I hope you like it!

вторник, 10 април 2012 г.

Outfit of the day

This is the outfit I wore for a night out with friends. We saw the movie Hunger games, and I really liked it. It is deffinitly a movie you MUST SEE. So the outfit is very simple, but I really love it, it is somehow vintage style. The shirt is very old, it is from my mothers young years. The pants are from Mango, the belt from Shana. Hope you like it.