My mother at the right side eating subway |
петък, 27 януари 2012 г.
Blog day 24: Cinema
Yesterday I went to see the movie Contraband. I did not really liked the movie. It was a little bit boring, but it does not metter because I was with my boyfriend :)
Blog day 22: One of my best friend
I really wanted to show you this very importent person for me. Her name is Ani and she is my classmate. I took picteres of her and here she is ... She is so beautifull
неделя, 22 януари 2012 г.
Blog day 19: My prom dress
Today I got my prom dress. I am totaly inlove with it. It is black/grey short dress. I do not have a picture of it yet , but soonly I will post one. I just wanted to share with you guys how excited I am. Lately I had nightmares with me without dress on my prom day :) And the dress is from Guy Laroche. I have also some BF news, but we will see if it is serious. I really like him :) I am so happy!!!
Blog day 18: Muffin day
четвъртък, 19 януари 2012 г.
четвъртък, 12 януари 2012 г.
Blog day 10: Club time
I went out with some friends to a Folk Club Capital. I was wearing a skirt from Primark, shirt from Primark, tights from Primark, uggs from Primark and blazer from Massimu dutti
Blog day 9: Make up
So this is the make up that a friend of mine gave me like a present for my name day. It is from the brand Golden Rose. Thank you, Ani!
вторник, 10 януари 2012 г.
Blog day 8: Sushi day
YEEEy I love sushi :) Today I went out with a friend and we had lunch at Happy. I also got some late presents for my name day.
понеделник, 9 януари 2012 г.
Blog day 7: Bowling
Today was the first day of school. After class my friend Magi and I went to play bowling. It is such a fun. I love playing. And there were to sweet boys who talked to us. We should definitly go back there some day :)
неделя, 8 януари 2012 г.
Blog day 6: My poor make up collection
Hi guys,
today I will be sharing with you my poor make up collection. It is really poor, but I think I still have good results. I have everything that I need (not that I want). I have a lot of nail polishes, because it is kind of hoby of mine. If you have questions about something fell free to ask. I am thinking about making some kind of tutorial, but we will see. I have still 360 days to do it :) Have a nice day/evening.
today I will be sharing with you my poor make up collection. It is really poor, but I think I still have good results. I have everything that I need (not that I want). I have a lot of nail polishes, because it is kind of hoby of mine. If you have questions about something fell free to ask. I am thinking about making some kind of tutorial, but we will see. I have still 360 days to do it :) Have a nice day/evening.
събота, 7 януари 2012 г.
Blog day 5: My name day
Hi everybody, today is my name day (A name day is a tradition in many countries in Europe and Latin America that consists of celebrating the day of the year associated with one's given name.)I went out with my friend Lora |
So this is my outfit of the day: jeans from Mango, blazer from second hand store, scarf from Amichi(a present), watch from a random store and a vintage bracelet from my mom's collection |
We had Sheridans (ooo I love it) and a waffles :) |
петък, 6 януари 2012 г.
Blog day 4: Outfit of the day
Hi everybody, so this is my outfit of the day. I went out to look for presents for my grandparents and I choosed a confi look.
Some random waterboots, because it was snowing, grey leggings from primark, black skirt from H&M, sweater from second hand store, coat from Spain, hat from Spain and bag from Spain. |
четвъртък, 5 януари 2012 г.
Блог ден 3: Мммм вкуснооо... Пилешки филенца
За вечеря приготвих едно много лесно и любимо на всички ястие. Пилешки филенца. Печени!!! Не пържени. Може би сте гледали рекламата на Маги Малки тайни. Страхотни са наистина. Това е идеално решение когато нямате време или просто не умеете да готвите(като мен). Пакетите се предлагат в 3 вкуса, доколкото знам, но аз съм опитвала само 2 от тях: барбекю и с чеснов сос. Тези които днес приготвих са с чеснов сос. Става наистина много бързо и лесно.
сряда, 4 януари 2012 г.
Блог ден 2:Моята нова бебешка пижамка/ Blog day 2: My baby p-jamas
Hi today I want to share with you one gift that I have recieved for Christmas from my mother. It is so sweet. She got it from Spain, Primark. I really love it, but the only bad side is when in the middle of the night I have to go to the toilet I have to undress me :)
вторник, 3 януари 2012 г.
Моята цел за 2012: да поствам всеки ден!!!
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